Understanding Kubernetes Architecture and Its Use Cases : Aalpha


Understanding Kubernetes Architecture and Its Use Cases

Kubernetes’ popularity has increased dramatically since a few years back. This utility for container deployment is still gaining popularity among IT professionals because it is so secure and easy to use. However, knowing a tool’s structure enables you to use it more efficiently. So, let’s examine the design’s fundamentals and each element that makes up Kubernetes.

Kubernetes functions as a flexible container management system that supervises containerized applications across various platforms, and Google has increased its development support for it. Kubernetes was initially introduced as a project at Google and made available to the general public in 2014 to manage cloud-based apps. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation is currently responsible for maintaining it. Kubernetes has established its dependability in the development environment since its implementation and usefulness. Some of the reasons making it an excellent choice include its better infrastructure compared to different tools, the capacity to effortlessly and regularly deploy software updates, and the capability to break down containers into smaller modules for more granular oversight while serving as a better basis for cloud-native apps.

Kubernetes Architecture and its composition

Kubernetes is a functional unit made up of different supporting entities. It takes place in the shape of the Kubernetes deployment design. Kubernetes requires various entities to work together to complete a range of duties. Therefore, it is essential to have complete knowledge of everything in its architecture to use it confidently and practically understand its utility. The management plane and the nodes, or computing devices, are the two main components of the Kubernetes design. Each node has its own Linux environment and may be a real or virtual computer. Additionally, every server operates pods, which are made up of containers.

The nodes in the cluster and the Kubernetes management plane are elements of the Kubernetes design. For example, the Kubernetes controller manager, scheduler, API server, etcd, are all parts of the control plane system. In addition, a Kubelet server, Docker, and a Kubernetes proxy service are among the elements of a Kubernetes host.

Kubernetes control plane

The Kubernetes cluster design components that regulate the cluster are stored in the control plane, which serves as its brain. Additionally, it keeps an information log of the setup and status of every Kubernetes object in the network. The control layer maintains continuous communication with the computing no when the cluster operates as intended. Controllers react to cluster changes by controlling object states and bringing system objects’ actual, observed states or present statuses into compliance with specifications.

The controller-manager, etcd, the scheduler, and the API server are just some essential components in the management window. The parts or components’ roles include ensuring that the resources are available in adequate quantities and that the containers operate correctly.


The Kubernetes architecture’s most important element, ETCD, claims superior tolerance for failure and distributed characteristics. Thus, it is an open-source key-value storage and database with setup data and details about the cluster’s status. Although it frequently belongs to the Kubernetes management plane, such an architectural component may be set independently. The repository uses the Raft agreement algorithm technique to keep the cluster data. In the case of mirrored state machines, where multiple computers must concur on values, addressing common issues with such a method of recording cluster states is simple. Raft establishes three distinct roles-candidate, leader, and follower-and sets agreement by choosing a chief.

The Kubernetes API Server

Scaling, updates, and other types of lifecycle management are just a few of the jobs and features supported by the API server, which sticks out as the front end of the Kubernetes control plane. The servers’ supply of APIs for different apps makes these functions or services feasible. In addition, because it acts as the conduit, clients must be able to link with the API server from outside the network. With this type of service, coordination is fully supported at each phase. Clients authenticate through the API server in that capacity and use it as a conduit to access services, modules, and nodes.

Kubernetes Controller Manager

The Kubernetes controller manager is merely a running process that manages the various controller tasks used to operate the Kubernetes network. Numerous controller categories come with the Kubernetes environment. The endpoints, such as autoscaling, namespaces, pods, and services, are primarily driven by these managers. As it executes the Kubernetes primary control cycles, the controller manager monitors the objects it controls in the cluster. Through the API server, it keeps track of them and sees both their intended and actual states. If there is a discrepancy between the controlled objects’ planned and solid states, the controller takes remedial action to move the object status in that direction. Along with carrying out basic lifetime tasks, the Kubernetes manager also does so.

The Kubernetes Scheduler

The Scheduler is yet another ingenious and essential part of the Kubernetes design. It aids in storing information on each processor node’s resource utilization. In addition, the scheduler decides whether a cluster is healthy, whether new containers should be deployed, and, if so, establish where the deployment needs to occur. In addition to the pod’s resource requirements, the entity concentrates on the overall health of the cluster. After that, it is the scheduler’s responsibility to select the best compute server for the job, service, or pod and plan it while considering affinity requirements, resource constraints, service quality requirements, anti-affinity requirements, data locality requirements, and other factors into consideration.

An small overview of the Kubernetes Cluster Architecture

Cluster nodes play the part of operating containers, as was mentioned earlier. In addition, every server is responsible for managing an agent, allowing contact with the control panel, the Kubernetes manager, or Kubelet. These components have an impact on how container runtime engines function as well. In addition to their many other responsibilities, the nodes operate additional features for service discovery, recording, and even monitoring.

The Kubernetes Use Cases

Kubernetes serves different roles in different spans of development areas. Some of the critical areas involved include:

Compared to how it would be with other methods, it is simpler to launch and handle containerized applications operating on Kubernetes. All these are made feasible by containerd, which acts as Kubernetes’ container engine. In addition, the container runtime is open for managing and deploying containers directly or on your servers and expands its services to work as a stand-alone utility.

Cloud-native application development is now much more straightforward. Kubernetes offers an excellent alternative for those who want to use it primarily as a framework rather than a container orchestrator. As a result, Kubernetes makes it simple to launch and scale apps, a feature or service that was unusual with its forerunner Docker Swarm.

Pod scheduling is done by Kubernetes using a scheduler. The scheduler makes sure the modules are active and in good condition, and they also make sure they are planned to satisfy the user’s needs.

The horizontal pod scaling, data collection, recording, and monitoring of this excellent utility are other frequent uses and use cases.


Kubernetes is a fantastic tool that offers enterprise IT staff appropriate authority over their infrastructure. As a result, it is crucial to increase the adoption of this technology while having a thorough grasp of its design and workings. Different, gentler, and more seamless methods of managing and deploying apps are now possible, thanks to Kubernetes.

To know more about Kubernetes Architecture connect with our software development company and get consultation today!

Originally published at https://www.aalpha.net on March 13, 2023.



Aalpha Information Systems India Pvt. Ltd.

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