The Best Web Application Development Cost Through The Pricing Guide


Web Application Development Cost

Do you want to collect the details about web application development cost? Then you are landed on the right page. Proceed further and find some of the exciting and most interesting details about web application development and its cost.

To be frank, high-quality web apps are useful for multiple purposes like solving complex problems and more number of tasks. Therefore every business is showing interest in making use of web applications for their growth. In case you are planning to hire a web application development, then surely you need to consider its cost.

Determining the fixed and exact price of developing a web app would be not possible. But here you can find the best pricing guide, through which you can able to effectively calculate expenses and plan a budget for it. Have a look at below to go through this pricing guide further to find out the web application development cost.

Major Advantage of Web Application:

Let’s check out some of the major advantages of the web application before going to find out its cost details. This kind of information will help you a lot to make the right decision while choosing a worthy website.

In general, a web application is a particular website that host pages with completely or partially unformed content in a most effective manner. Here, the final content can be generated after when the visitor of the website has requested a page from the server.

The major advantages of the described method are the particular fact where there is no such dependence on the certain operating system of the user.

The web application lets you collect, analyze, and store certain data that is received from visitors who can easily and quickly able to search for the required details. Basically, it is an online resource that mainly includes diverse and extensive content. Then you have to explore how much such kind of web application costs.

Factors of Web Application Development Pricing:

There are various factors involved in the pricing of web application development. By determining those factors, you can easily calculate the price and plan your budget.

In order to determine the cost of web application development, the level of complexity is one of the most important factors. The complex development solutions are really very much expensive and you can explore any kind of process.

Here you have to find what you are having in the end and what kind of functionality you require. By finding out the answer to these questions, you can able to get the proper idea of the pricing range in a most advanced manner.

The nature of your business will also play a major role in cost issues. The more precise your business function, the tougher for the experts to explore those issues. Therefore they will spend their further time on web application development. This will lead to an increase in the total cost of your project very effectively.

In case you are having less time and have got a strict deadline then expected the increase in the cost of web application development too.

Of course, it is clear that experts will do the hard work to complete the project on time by following the deadlines. This kind of process will need more effort and skills.

In order to develop a web application, sure you have to get help from the below-mentioned specialists:

Here you must understand the fact that you have to hire the team which is having all the above-mentioned experts. It is mainly since; each of them will play their major role to implement your project most successfully.

Proceed further to find how to choose the best web application development company with suitable pricing. The working cost of these experts will have some variations. Below have a look at their variations.

Each and every case is very specific. In case you are a web developer and you have already prepared the business plan. Then the only thing you need here is the perfect app development and the testing process.

Suppose you have any knowledge about web application development but still want to build a top web application. Then probably you require the complete mentioned experts on your team in a most enhanced manner. But here the cost may vary depends on the various process.

Basically, this ad campaign at launching the application is another expected source of the web application development pricing. It would effectively help you to recover your expenses and quickly attract all kinds of potential customers.

You have to remember one thing that developing a web application is one of the starting paths of your journey. More importantly, you must need the support team in order to monitor the activity of the web project in the future. You can mainly consider these support factors at the time of thinking of web application development costs and planning the budget in an effective manner.

Various Stages of Web Application Development:

You have to know what kind of elements the app requires and its steps during the development process to find out the web application development cost.

In case your intention is to build a web application, then sure you already have the idea and concept of the future online product. Then you need to formulate your idea very clearly like what kind of work do you expect from the web application developers? How do you want the result? Here you must thoroughly have the idea about the business run in the future too, and then only you can get into success.

Then the next stage is research and this stage is mainly required to analyze the supply and demand. You need to develop a web application and that must be looking more interesting to your consumer. It also must have the capability to overcome your potential competitors in the most effective manner. Hence it is very much important to conduct a survey which is known as desk research. During this time, you can hire a highly experienced professional company with the best web application development cost.

You can create the list of requirements for your future web application after analyzing the major information collected during that time in a most enhanced manner. This kind of requirement is not more than various application features. Hence you must consider it to understand the various stages of web application development.

As you have already hired a suitable web application development company, now it is the right time for you to discuss all your issue with those experts. You can discuss your requirements and the specification involved in it.

After discussing the major issues with web application development experts, then a prototype will be created here and here the wire frames will be developed. The result you get here is completely based on your understanding of how the final output looks like. The prototyping is basically a creative and complicated process that will influence the cost to create web applications.

Generally, appealing visuals look more attractive and everyone prefers to show interest in such things too much. This kind of case mainly applies to the process of web application development. Hence, the design of your web application must be user-friendly, attractive, modern, appealing and it should not be cheap. You have to keep this in mind while determining the web application cost.

The development process mainly includes the stages of front end and back-end programming at the time of building web apps. Here, the back-end development is like programming a site and completely filling it with various functions. Then the front-end development mainly involves the process of working to build a website in which a user can able to interact with it.

The testing process is one of the most stages of the web application development process. In this process, clients are trying to avoid thinking since it would be an effective way to reduce the web application’s average costs very effectively. This kind of dangerous desire may lead to a certain fact that the web application will work incorrectly.

During this stage, you can conduct all kinds of required tests without making any delay. During this time you can get help from the professional QA engineers. As they are very professional and experienced, they can make sure your web service is perfectly working based on your expectations.

It is to be noted that, launching a project properly is the major task as difficult and tough as the one which is based on the intention to develop a highest-quality web application. Here, you will need the help of all kinds of professionals that you have hired. By doing so, your application can hit the market in a most successful manner. It can also able to get a huge reception among the audience.

Cost Estimation of Web Application Development:

Most of the web application projects (around 80%) can be effectively divided into the below mentioned four categories:

The simple application is basically the website with simple landing pages, basic functionality, less interactive elements, less content and much more. It will take around one month to implement a certain project and here the web application development varies between $3 to 17K.

The pro-level application is better than the simple one. This is a very much interesting and professionally designed web project with all kinds of interactive pages and more information in it. Among those web applications, there are certain e-commerce websites of medium complexity, web representation of small businesses, prototypes for future multi-functional Internet sites and much more.

This kind of project will cost around $17 to 55K and their development process needs around 3 months to complete the project successfully.

There are certain custom web applications which are having a more level of complexity with the most extraordinary СMS and the ultimate UI/UX design. They are mainly aimed to make their owners get more profits and help a lot in automating the business processes of the company. These complex projects will cost around $55 to 250K and their development process needs around 6 months of work to successfully complete the project.

There are certain web applications that are needed for promising startups and large corporations. They expect the best result from the experts to shine in their business. Hence during that time, they have to pay more than $250K based on their requirement to get their expected result. They also need to wait for more than 6 months to develop the web application.

Below you can find certain infographics that will illustrate the web application cost variations.

This is a rough estimate of the web application development cost. In order to form the final idea about the cost and its potential incomes, here you can find general conclusions.

Cost Of Web Application Development:

It is very much important to know your expense and various income opportunities at the time of calculating your project cost-effectively. Here, the major goal is to completely reduce the first one and then increase the potential of the profit.

On that basis, there are enormous factors are available to increase or decrease the web application development cost. Let’s discuss those factors in sequence now.

Disagreement With The Web Application Development Cost:

There are certain situations, where you pay the money for software development is not suitable for you, since the cost will be higher than you expected. Creating a web application involves multiple factors; therefore you must be very much careful about this kind of process. Here you will also understand that recovering your investment in application development is not an easy task. But you don’t need to worry anymore!!! You can easily solve this issue when you take the necessary action in advance.

You must need proper assistance and help in case you want to develop a web application. But you have to remember one thing that, multiple application development firms will have different pricing. You have to remember that, the higher cost is not always assured to present you with a higher quality application. Along with the company’s name and reputation and its experience, you also have to consider its location.

Below you can find some interesting facts about the location.

It is strongly recommended for you to document each and every stage of the development process in the most ultimate manner. Here, the deadlines can be specified effectively and increase multiple options for the sequence of events. Hence, you can able to protect yourself from unplanned conditions.

In case your budget is very less then the MVP model is the right choice for you to implement the multi functional and complex web application. During that time, it is very reasonable to provide users certain with less functionality. After that, you can slowly complicate the web service when your project starts to pay off.

In addition, this method provides you another effective advantage in which you can discuss the opinion of your consumer about their required feature in the app. Here each and every detail about the app will be effectively discussed.

The cost of this MVP model will range between $50 to $200K. This is completely depending on the requirements and the rate charged by the app development firm.

In case your budget to develop a web application does require any luxury, then you don’t need to be a perfectionist. Even if you think the MVP model is not suitable for you, you can find the cheaper substitutes of it in a most effective manner. Therefore here you can able to reduce the cost of web application development.

Procedure To Increase Your Income:

Here, in this pricing guide, we have discussed the process of reducing the expenses during web application development. Now, you can find the procedure to increase your future income in the most effective manner.

You have to analyze your main competitors and potential client very carefully. You have to be very sure that you have considered everything in detail. Like any other business, web application development must require order, proper control, and effective planning.

It is better to consider advertising support since there may some promotion issue occurs. You have to separately allocate some money for promoting and advertising your application. It is the best way to get the best web application and through that, you can grab extraordinary benefits.

Web Application Development Cost Calculator:

You can able to get the accurate web application development cost for your business with the most effective cost calculator. You have to simply select the needs of your company or business and then click the “See Pricing” option to get the estimate very quickly. It is fast, simple and it can save your time of contact agencies directly to know the price.

Procedure To Approach Your Idea:

Basically, describing certain peculiarities of your product will be somewhat complex, especially when you are not sure about the technologies or tools to choose from. But there are multiple ways of working approaches that are found to simplify the process and it will present the idea to the development team in a most simple manner.

Thinking about the end result is the most popular way to properly estimate the cost of the web application development in a most effective manner. Starting with the consideration of the end result, you can effectively trace the steps backward and up to the present stage effectively.

Here you can ask a lot of questions upon yourself like ‘What we must do to make it possible?’ But keep in mind that, it will never work for completely new products; instead there are more doubts about the end result

Here still you need to find how to get over there and this is not only the question you should ask. Basically, the web application developers are required to get to know more about the exact concept they need to work during this time.

Below, you can check out the functional flow diagram of Uber to understand this approach properly.

Here you have to properly consider which makes your product look very unique and what kind of problem it is resolving. You have to remember that, you need to be very specific, therefore the web application builders can define what kind of technologies you need to use.

Marketers have to be popular with the UI/UX designers, target audience with all kinds of your concept and vision in an effective manner.

This approach is not much desirable than the above-mentioned approach.

For instance, you may have an innovative idea of the existing app with certain minor changes occurs in the functionality. Here it looks like you already have an idea about what kind of tools and technologies you are going to use and the time it will take. Apart from that, here you will have an idea about the cost of web application development.

This is not that much easy, because even a slight change can make the application looks nothing similar to the original when considering functionality and code.

On the whole, the application turns to be time-consuming and more complex. Here you are not able to what parts it is having and hence it is still unclear what tools and technologies to choose.

Time and Materials Vs. Fixed Price:

There is another decision that affects the web application cost is considered as the billing model. Here, usually, you need to choose between time and materials vs. fixed price. Even though the fixed price is attractive and consists of all the features suitable for you, but still you need to consider various options in a most effective manner.

Basically, the web application is not a standard process. Here, you can able to discuss the most required result with the tech team. But it is somewhat hard to predict all the issues which may occur during the development process.

In case the quality of the end product is said to be your highest priority, then you need to pay for a certain time and materials spent to build it. In most cases, the price tag turns out to be more than what was previously expected. But you must be very confident that you have developed a high-quality web application.

Negotiation is a coming thing when it comes to hiring a web application development team. But there may some issues that occur. You would expect that the web developers can solve it effectively, but the problem takes more days to get solved. They will only work for the money you paid them.

Level of Web Application Complexity:BasicMedium

  • Info pages
  • Admin panel
  • User accounts system
  • API and third party integrations
  • Payments


  • Info pages
  • Admin panel
  • User accounts system
  • API and third party integrations
  • Payments
  • User roles
  • Custom statistics
  • High user load

Saas Web Application Development Cost:

The SaaS web application development is somewhat tough to estimate since it completely depends on the app functionality.

When you have decided to move your traditional on-premises software service to the SaaS business model, then there won’t be much work needed to be done.

Moreover, here you will have the proper design and certain app logic which is required to be adjusted to the latest approach. Here you can also have the customer base. Here, the transfer to the SaaS model may cost around $8k or much more.

In case you are working on the SaaS product from scratch, then the number is more here. Here you are expected to hire the complete team and start with the effective market analysis. Then you can develop the functionality and interface of the app. Here the price will differ between $3K for the SaaS MVP and $100K or more for the complete feature application.

ERP System Web Application Development Cost

Here, the complexity of the web based ERP application mainly depends on the various number of departments that you have been using. These facts may affect the price too. The ERP minimum value product covers the requirement of the one department which can cost around $15K to $50K

There is no actual price limit when it comes to considering the cost of the ERP system. Here you can note on the price tag of $80K to $150K for the medium-sized company.

But actually, it can cause you more to manage the enterprise with more number of employees, multiple offices over the globe and more number of departments too.


Here you can find the approximate estimation of the web application development cost. Based on your need, you can pick a suitable package and hire the team to build a high quality application.

The professional team will offer the most extraordinary services in web application development along with the variety of business requests implementation and the sophisticated analysis algorithms creation.

The professionals are developing the ultimate projects which is very hard to execute like CRM for business, corporate portals, payment and management systems and much more.

For information related to web development costing feel free to contact Aalpha.

Originally published at on September 9, 2020.



Aalpha Information Systems India Pvt. Ltd.

Aalpha is specialist India based Software Solutions company providing solutions for Web and Mobile development,