The best Android Frameworks, Libraries, and SDK’s


best Android Frameworks, Libraries

Android is the most known mobile operating system, and it currently holds at least 1.5 million downloads monthly. Xbox 7D noted that Android is the best platform or operating system to create mobile applications, and they have a market share that is estimated to shoot by almost 90% come 2020. Since digital solutions continue to play vital roles in the coming years, Android applications will always lead the way.

Android holds 70% of the operating system market for mobile globally, and the number could only increase in the coming decades. Android is by far the most consuming development process, and the main reason behind that could be along with its extensive range of Android-powered devices. The utilization of advanced technology and techniques and the modern libraries’ SDK’s and frameworks can go a long way in facilitating the reduction of the complexity of its development, speeding up the whole process, and optimizing the application’s performance.

The best Android frameworks

A framework is a toolkit of software that allows all the different developers to tie together a finished application. It also allows their developers to boost the functionality, graphics, special features, and animation.


Flutter leads the charts as the newest framework for Android. Its relativity to newness is rather peculiar, but it has gained a firm position quickly. Flutter Is an open-source user interface SDK framework. It provides smoothness to the multiplatform development, especially the process for developing native interfaces that are outlandish on Apple and Android devices. The best thing about flutter is that it allows developers to build better user interface experiences. It does that by using the declarative and composable approach that smoothly works on iOS, Android, and the web. It also relies on a single codebase, and all the applications built on the same framework tend to compile entirely with the native Go through the Google 2G engine for rendering.

React native

The framework got introduced in 2015, and it is an open-source and cross-platform framework that Facebook has pushed forward. Several surveys have proved that the framework is currently the most popular. The reaction native develops applications better suited for both Android and iOS devices through the use of reacting. Since it is a framework used across many platforms, it is easier for developers to code at least once and copy the same everywhere. The feature enables React native as the best cost-effective and chosen option because it also has a super speed. The framework has a pre-built user interface component bundled together with APIs. As a result, the application’s performance, feel, and can go up, which also adds hot reloading that allows the developers to constantly update their files without affecting the status of the application. More and more applications are using the react-native, including Tesla, Instagram, and air BNB.


Ionic is a framework that is used by many people aside from the last two ones. The technology has been present in the industry since 2021 and has been certified through MIT. The framework facilitates developers having hybrid applications with technologies that include JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3. That offers a vast spectrum of animations, software tools, and gestures. The framework constitutes all these to develop a desktop of high quality, mobile, and applications of the progressive web, which uses the same coding base. Ionic Is among the leading choices for most Android applications companies because it is flexible and straightforward to use with the CLI. It is also much easier to infuse the framework with Cordova, Angular JS, and many other libraries. Some of the top brands like McLaren, Airbus, and Pacific have also utilized the framework.

The best Android SDK’s

SDK is a kit used for software development that has multiple code lines. It is a package I have software that is easy to download, and it has all the necessary tools that a developer needs to develop a platform. The most common ones are:

Google firebase

It is one of the leading names among mobile applications that uses SDK as a back end. It is a mobile and a web application platform for development, allowing developers to develop applications as fast as possible without worrying about their infrastructure. In addition, it has an array of functionalities for analytics, databases, cash reporting, and messaging, allowing all the developers to work at speed and prioritize their users.

Brain tree

It is much more like a PayPal service. It has a full-stack gateway solution payment, or one can define it as in one solution for SDK, which assists both small and enterprise businesses in coming up with their payment processes. The user interface also allows anybody to customize their payment user interface, fraud detection and protection, and recurring billing detection.

Amazon AWS

The AWS is quite popular, and it allows mobile developers to manage and provision the applications back end in some of the best ways possible and a fast manner. The kid offers developers the on-demand platform for the cloud, and it comes as a subscription service for the users.

The Best Android Libraries


It is an excellent HTTP application that allows users To configure the API as the interface. Using it, The user can specify the parameters on the query, the headers, the body and utilize annotations to manage the request of the API. You can also use the kid to make synchronous and asynchronous API calls.


It is best known to provide Graphics interchange format, otherwise known as GIF, support and loading some of the images. Its support gets further extended to other functions like displaying calls made through video, fetching, and decoding. One of the best parts about utilizing glide is plugging it into any network that conveniently is stack even though developers use its central leaf to smoothen scrolling in screens, which is why it gets used, especially in multiple images.


Dagger is one of the best choices and among the safest ones for injection of dependency because the library will allow any developer to write down a Java source code in the best and efficient way possible. The library’s main reason appears among the top choices because it compiles that time, which analyzes and estimates all the dependencies. When all that gets integrated into such a library, the user will have a more relative experience, and we love the blockings of the same library.


As every year goes by, there is always competition between libraries, frameworks, and SDK’. It is only safe to say that the competition will increase and intensify in the application market. It is a complex way and process to go about choosing one. Still, it is critical to understand all the possible advantages and disadvantages before choosing the final selection. Before you decide which one to use, you must consider you are mean element and apples for selecting any options in the above category and making a general idea to create a business that is not only successful but also worthy. For one, To have a smooth way while doing this, it gets advised that you hire a developer of Android applications who will mostly be at the best of their work and will start the journey with you with a whole stack of Android applications.

If you find you have a concern about budgeting, try and estimate the cost of the application through a Calculator for calculating the cost of applications, which will keep you updated. The application will also go a long way in ensuring that you do not waste any money. All demanded that you invest in the application development process goes to the right pockets and will not get mismanaged at any point in time.

For more information feel free to contact us!

Originally published at on May 21, 2021.



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