Technology Stack for Microservices : Aalpha


Technology Stack for Microservices

In the field of software development, microservices are among the top trends that every software developer must know. Microservices means an application arranged in loosely coupled services. Each service then has independent components to ease the whole app maintenance process simple.

Since this is among the top trends in the software development fields, many technologies and tools are at the forefront to support the concept of microservices. The question then arises how can a developer determine the appropriate technology to apply when the need arises? Keep reading this write-up as we explore more on microservices.

Top technologies to apply in microservices

If you are a developer, ensure you can comprehend and use the following microservices technologies effectively.

Docker and Kubernetes

This is among the top technologies in microservices architecture that enables developers to create, test, then deploy the software as a self-contained package referred to as containers. The containers can then be deployed anywhere, with each container having all the configuration requirements to run the final product.

In this case, Kubernetes is a complement to the docker during the scaling time. It eases the process of handling complex scenarios when scaling several containers to be deployed t different servers.

This technology is utilized together as a simplified base for microservice-based systems. In the end, the scaling becomes easy.

Good read: docker and kubernetes difference

The benefits of this technology include:

  • It is easy to deploy the software
  • It is the easiest form of creating microservice architecture since all components are packed in the image, then excluded from other microservices.
  • It is easy to coordinate several containers to create the whole system of microservices with containers.

While this technology may sound interesting, always reconsider the whole operation. This is because some instances require more than one technology for effectiveness.


For efficiency during software deployment, microservices must coordinate with other microservices. So, REST is the only tool that can enhance the process. It is simply an architectural design pattern used for creating RESTful APIs.

It is through HTTP that REST enhances direct communication between the microservices. Other requests and responses are enhanced through JSON, HTML, and XML standard formats.

What are the benefits of REST in microservices?

  • REST are modular and stateless, meaning they are the perfect tool for creating scalable microservices.
  • With REST, the server and the client pattern can be implemented independently without involving the other. So, the developer can modify the code of any of the sides without affecting the other side.

Be sure to use pact as the best framework when creating tests for REST interface in the programming language.


This is an open-source store with an in-built memory store. It is among the top NoSQL or key-value databases. This technology provides master-replica replication, supports persisting data, and works effectively when linked to traditional database systems despite having an in-memory database.

Consider using Redis as the chief database for your application in persistent mode. The best thing about Redis is that it is single-threaded, meaning you don’t need to ponder much about the record locks. Again, all entities are stored along with tough operations.

Spring Book or spring cloud are the best frameworks to use along with Redis.

What are the benefits of Redis in microservices?

Redis meets most of the requirements of microservices. For instance, microservices should keep their original state through a database, and service data needs to be separated from other layers of data for easy uncoupled scaling. All these requirements are achievable with Redis.


This is yet another open-source microservices technology used to monitor and alter tools created originally at SoundCloud. Its role is to provide data scrapers and data storage. The data is then stored in memory cached files as key-value pairs.

This microservice technology uses query language that enhances the formation of the foundation when monitoring tasks.

What are the benefits of Prometheus in microservices?

  • Prometheus enhances the multi-dimensional collection of data in microservices.
  • It enables the developer to connect arbitrary key-values dimensions to a time series since it has an extensible data model.
  • The simple design of Prometheus makes it possible to create simple microservice-based applications.


This is the technology used in microservices that ensures microservices units communicate effectively. The unique features of a consul include:

The consul template that makes it possible to auto-generate configurations

DNS support since it has the HTTP REST API

Performing health checks while excluding services from service discovery the moment when a health check fails.

Higher flexibility makes it possible for the consul template and DNS interface to be used with other technologies, an important element in microservices.

What are the benefits of consul technology in microservices?

  • Improved transparency- consul technology doesn’t require any code dependency, hence fully transparent.
  • Service discovery — This is a service that enhances the integration of new technologies in the microservices.
  • Load Balancing — Consul DNS enhances load balancing with the DNS server transparently.
  • Configuration — consul technology helps to configure microservices where configuration and service delivery can be implemented.

The consul technology uses the Go language. However, deployment and monitoring depend on Java microservices.

Best programming languages to apply in Microservices Architecture

Having explored the latest technologies in microservices as a whole, the next element is to discover the best programming languages that work best in microservices. The following are the top languages to apply in the microservice architecture.


Introduced by Google in the year 2009, Golang is the best language to use in microservices architecture because of its concurrency and API support features. Also, the concurrency feature improves the productivity of different devices.

While Golang helps in creating complex applications, it offers the best testing support too. Here, the frameworks used are Go Micro and Go Kit.


Python is among the top-most preferred programming languages that enhance the integration of different technologies. When compared to other languages, it enhances fast and simplified prototyping, and that is why many developers prefer python programming language.

Besides, python is compatible with ASP and PHP legacy languages. As a developer, the best frameworks to use along with python include NameKo, CherryPy, Flask, Falcon, Bottle, and Django.


Java is a popular, easy-to-read, and stable programming language that many developers love. This language is beneficial in creating microservices architecture because of its easy annotation nature.

Above all, Java provides model components, back-end resource connectivity, and UI.

The best microservices for Java include Eclipse Microsprofile, Spark, Spring boot, and Dropwizard.

Other programming languages that will work effectively for microservice architecture include Node.js, .NET Core, and C++


When tasked with building microservices architecture from the start, it can be hard for a developer to choose appropriate technologies and languages to incorporate through the process for a smooth process and satisfying results. Since different technologies depending on the tools you use when creating an app, make sure you have a better understanding of all these technologies and the processes required.

Finally, connect with microservices development company to know the tech stack for microservices.

Originally published at on September 8, 2022.



Aalpha Information Systems India Pvt. Ltd.

Aalpha is specialist India based Software Solutions company providing solutions for Web and Mobile development,