Svelte vs NextJS Comparison : Aalpha
During the last several years, the business world has been more committed to adopting the SaaS paradigm, which refers to the commercial model often used by cloud-based open-source technologies. For example, Next.js and Gatsby, both of which are React meta-frameworks, provide premium hosting services with additional functionality that may be used to augment their respective frameworks.
Meanwhile, Vercel, the company that developed Next.js, has announced that it has recruited Svelte creator Rich Harris to work full-time on SvelteKit, the primary Svelte meta-framework.
Routing decides which URL will be required to access various websites. All meta-frameworks use file-based routing, which is utilized by both frameworks. The URL comes from the filename and location of the given page’s file.
Data loading on the server-side
A key advantage of adopting a meta-framework is that it handles a significant amount of data preparation before page loading, such as API calls, transformation, etc. When using a meta-framework, you do not need to prepare loaders or useEffect Hooks to handle the asynchronous nature of these concerns.
In both frameworks, we may create a function on each page that the server will execute before sending the page to the user’s browser.
Similarly, you may export a function named getServerSideProps in Next.js. The return value may subsequently be used to specify the page component’s props:
With SvelteKit, you specify the load function in a script block identified independently. Like the preceding examples, you may manage API requests and data preparation, then return the data as props for the page component.
Pages that are pre-rendered as static site generators
The pre-rendering of pages by static site generators is perhaps the most divergent aspect. Next. JavaScript and SvelteKit offer pre-rendering, allowing them to be used as static site generators.
Suppose you want a pre-rendered page, just export getStaticProps instead of getServer-SideProps. Otherwise, the same pattern will be seen as previously.
Set the following code if you want a page to be pre-rendered in the module script blog:
“export const prerender = true;”
The above code instructs SvelteKit to pre-render the page rather than rendering it for each request.
API Routing
While server-side logic may be handled using the loader, getServerSideProps, or load function, API keys and other data should not be included in this code. You may still need API URLs containing only viewable code on the server and executed there.
If you construct a route under the pages/api subdirectory that exposes a route function like Express.js, it will be considered similar to an API route:
Exporting a function from a JavaScript or TypeScript file instead of a Svelte file will be handled as an API route. The function’s name will decide which method it responds to.
When it comes to design, both frameworks might vary significantly.
You may also add link tags using the helmet component, styled components, JSS, Emotion, Sass, or any other CSS abstraction, in addition to importing regular CSS style sheets.
Like Vue, Svelte employs single-file components. Therefore the CSS is included inside the components file.
Is Next.js more efficient than SvelteKit?
Switching from React to Svelte is advantageous for performance and developer productivity. Except for composition with JSX, Svelte is flawless. Next is still remarkable since it condenses the extensive, bloated React library into smaller sections and contains many intelligent design decisions and some awkward ones. The first and subsequent js downloads are still 70kb. So, that’s OK and by no means a bottleneck, but SvelteKit’s initial js downloads are a fraction of that, and it has more built-in functionality.
Because of the new SWC compiler, HMR in development mode is just as quick. However, as soon as you construct a real-world application using React, the build size proliferates since React is very barebones, and you still need many additional components. And although it is possible to create responsive applications using React, Svelte apps are crisper and more responsive due to the absence of virtual dom discomfort. You feel it. Or you don’t experience this persistent, typical React SPA slowness as your program becomes more complicated.
Bottom line
Long story short: It’s not rotten, but real innovation looks different; after many API changes, a cumbersome hooks API, and in general, a very confusing API naming (Java seems like a children’s book in comparison), it’s become somewhat stagnant. Long story short: The Next team does an excellent job, but Next’s foundation, React, is the problem. However, true innovation is not rotten; it’s just different.
Also, despite its size, the ecosystem is problematic due to issues such as state management, the presence of hundreds of libs that are almost universally inferior to those of Svelte, and, most problematic of all, Redux, which the maintainers of React accept but which oughts to deprecate it and causes significant damage.
Finally, connect with web development company to understand the Svelte vs. Next JS comparison in detail.
Also read: svelte vs react
Originally published at on July 4, 2022.