Solidjs vs. React Comparison — Complete Guide 2024 : Aalpha
Are you at the crossroads of your JavaScript journey, wondering which front-end framework to embrace? If you find yourself struggling with questions like, “Which framework is the fastest?”, “Which one is most widely used?”, “Which is easier to learn?”, or even “Which framework can potentially enhance my earning potential?”, then you’re in the right place. Welcome to this comprehensive guide where we compare and contrast two prominent players in the JavaScript universe: Solidjs and React.
Web development is an ever-evolving world. Selecting the appropriate framework is as important as the code you write. SolidJS and React have received significant attention in recent years. Facebook developed React, famous within the tech industry for its virtual DOM and extensive ecosystem. SolidJS seems to be a newer entrant and is slowly gaining traction for its performance optimizations and fine-grained reactivity.
When we need to understand SolidJS and React, it means going beyond comparing the technical specifications. You must understand their philosophies, scenarios of their usage, and the community support. Since web development is so dynamic, changing on a daily basis. This forces developers to settle on a better framework for their needs and projects. Take time to understand the performance metrics, state management, community, developer experience, ease of learning, and more.
Basic Terms to Understand
Here is a quick rundown of some common terminologies you will encounter while interacting with these frameworks.
- DOM (Document Object Model) — This is the structured representation of your web page, which you can easily interact with and modify using programming or scripting languages like JavaScript. It serves as the backbone of most web documents.
- JSX/TSX — Syntax extensions representing JavaScript and TypeScript, respectively. You will meet them in the codebases when interacting with React.js or Solid.js. Such files with .jsx or .tsx extensions have JSX or TSX code, ensuring they blend HTML-like code with JavaScript.
- Virtual DOM (VDOM) — Such libraries like React.js utilize this in-memory representation of the DOM to optimize updates to your web pages. You use a diffing algorithm to enhance performance.
- Diffing — It is an algorithm many frameworks like React.js use by accepting 2 inputs and comparing them to establish necessary updates.
- Components — SolidJS and React have bits of reusable code we call components like forms, dropdowns, navigation menus, helpers, buttons, etc. The components are summarized into two: class and functional components.
- Rendering — This is where the framework transforms the code into DOM nodes that browsers can easily understand and display. It is a simple way of how your app visually comes to life.
What is Solid.JS?
We credit the creation of SolidJS to Ryan Carniato. This is a relatively new player within the modern front-end libraries. The framework focuses more on performance and scalability. The framework focuses on helping developers build efficient, fast, and reusable web apps, responding to complexities and performance limitations within the existing frameworks. It is a lightweight framework centered on efficiency and simplicity, already a worthy competitor to famous UI libraries like Vue, React, and Angular.
We regard it as a fine-grained reactive framework that does away with the requirement of a virtual DOM by directly updating the DOM. Such is a wonderful way, resulting in optimized performance and faster rendering times. SolidJS has an innovative approach with minimal abstractions and utilities for creating web apps. Developers can focus more on their apps’ logic instead of complex configurations.
The Key Features of SolidJS
- It has support for JSX. SolidJS supports JSX, a unique syntax extension permitting developers to author HTML-like code in JavaScript. This feature seamlessly integrates UI components with JavaScript logic, leading to the building of dynamic, interactive user interfaces. JSX support is a good way to ensure developers transition with ease and write maintainable and scalable code.
- The framework supports TypeScript. The framework supports TypeScript, which adds some static typing capabilities. Developers have a chance to create error-resistant, robust, and maintainable code. TypeScript has the compile-time error-checking capability, allowing developers to identify concerns early enough. The framework becomes a good bet for large-scale apps, and teams can comfortably prioritize code safety and quality.
- Server-Side Rendering (SSR). With this feature, the initial rendering of web pages happens on the server and not the client side. Initial page load times are enhanced, the user experience is superb, and there is improvement in SEO. Interactivity is fast, and search engine crawlers can easily crawl web apps.
- Reactive and Declarative Programming Model: The framework adopts the reactive and declarative programming model, where the UI is automatically updated in case of any changes. The updates happen on the fly without any intervention from the developer. State management is simplified; there is a reduction in complex codes, and it only remains with easy-to-understand code.
- Asynchronous Rendering: through the support of asynchronous rendering, web apps can load and render the content dynamically and efficiently. This is a good way of handling complex operations without bringing blockage to the user interface, making the user experience smooth and responsive.
- Small Library Size: The framework’s small library size means enjoying compact results that load faster and perform better.
- Easy Debugging and Profiling: SolidJS maintains simplicity and transparency, especially debugging and profiling. There is a reduction in complexities associated with data flow, and developers use this feature as a good way to establish and resolve any problems.
What is React?
Meta created React.js as a JavaScript library to create complex user interfaces. Several companies and developers use this framework to create complex web and mobile apps. React.js is an open-source framework that gives developers a great platform for building components they can reuse in different sections of an app. It is a great way to maintain the codebase and reduce development time.
Its virtual DOM speeds up rendering and ensures that any changes to the UI elements are updated immediately. Since the framework supports server-side rendering (SSR), it brings the aspect of the same component being rendered both on the server and client side. This is a brilliant way of optimizing SEO and enhancing performance. The framework allows developers access to powerful tools to debug apps, ensuring that issues arising from the codebase are quickly fixed.
When you compare React to other JavaScript libraries like Vue and Angular, you realize that React offers better performance, especially when complex user interfaces and large datasets exist. It is also more flexible in building the core components of an application.
The Key Features of React
There is use of a virtual DOM in React to optimize rendering and updates, boosting the performance of a given app. We see the Virtual DOM as a lightweight copy of the real DOM, giving React the power to carry out diffing algorithms for detecting any changes. This feature gives developers the ability to write code in a declarative way for easy understanding and maintenance. Productivity in development is enhanced, reducing the occurrence of errors and bugs. For any changes in the component’s state, React updates the virtual DOM first before updating the actual DOM. This minimizes direct manipulation, enhancing rendering and amazing user experience, especially in complex applications or user interfaces.
This feature allows developers to create encapsulated and reusable UI components. Components can be class-based or functional. The codebase becomes more modular and easy to maintain. It provides a unique way for code reusability since the feature allows the easy sharing and reusing of code or components in different sections of an app.
The feature clearly separates various concerns, ensuring one easily understands and maintains the code. The architecture permits developers to split the complex user interface into independent smaller components, a good way to split tasks or components to different teams, ensuring improved collaboration and simultaneous or parallel development.
React uses JSX (JavaScript XML), a syntax extension that permits programmers to write HTML-like code directly in their JavaScript files. JSX makes the structure of the component’s UI more readable and easier to understand. It provides an easy way of creating and maintaining complex user interfaces since there is a combination of powerful JavaScript and HTML simplicity. With JSX, developers can easily use JavaScript expressions in HTML, triggering the dynamic rendering of content based on user interactions or data.
There is support for server-side rendering within the React environment, meaning that the initial render of the web app can be processed on the server, generating a fully rendered HTML sent to the client. SSR results in faster initial page loads and improves SEO. There is a reduction in the time it takes a user to see and interact with the app’s page. The result is improved user experience and performance, especially for content-heavy applications or where users have slow internet connections. SSR improves SEO by enhancing the accessibility of web pages to search engine crawlers, a good way to boost page ranking for various search results.
State management in React allows components to create and manage their own state. State refers to the data or properties that an application needs to track. There are various ways in which this is achieved, including Redux, Context API, and using third-party libraries. React’s state management is simple, enabling components to respond and render based on state changes, leading to dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
Context API is one of the ways of state management in React. It permits state data to be collectively shared across the component tree without manually passing props to every level. Redux has a central store for the state, allowing for anticipated state mutations through the reducers and actions. Other third-party libraries come in handy with their capabilities and benefits. Take the option that best suits the project’s requirements and complexities.
Hooks were introduced in React 16.8. We define them as functions that allow developers to “hook into” React state and lifecycle features from function components. Developers can utilize state alongside other React features without declaring a class. Hooks promote reusable stateful logic, simplify code, and result in easy-to-read and maintain components.
Uses of Solidjs & React
SolidJS and React are among the popular frameworks you can use to create user interfaces. They have their own benefits. Let’s study each of them:
SolidJS Uses:
- Web applications:
Solidjs gives developers a way of quickly creating web apps that are rich in features. Developers interact with an easy-to-use and intuitive API for easy and quick creation of interactive UIs without the need to write complex code. Developers get ample time to concentrate on the app’s content instead of technical details related to the development process. - Single-page applications:
Solid.js is good for creating single-page applications. Developers use a flexible and simple API to create user interfaces full of features without worrying about complex code. - Server-side development:
Developers use Solid.js for server-side development to build intuitive user interfaces compatible with current technologies like HTML/CSS, Backbone, Angular, and React. - Cross-platform development:
You can use Solid.js and the same codebase to build mobile, web, and desktop apps. This is a great way of improving user experience across all the platforms. - Interactive dashboards:
Solid.js is a powerful platform for creating interactive dashboards that display real-time data with all the dynamic updates. Businesses can analyze and process data to develop comprehensive visualizations for the different data sets. Such a step allows for accurate and quick decision-making that is well-informed. - E-commerce websites:
Solid.js has a fast performance and capability of handling dynamic updates, making it good for creating e-commerce sites with seamless user experience. The framework reduces development time and ensures all the web elements load quickly with smooth transitions. Customers end up with an amazing shopping experience whenever they visit your website. - Performance:
Solid.js doesn’t support GPU acceleration. A bit of development time and optimization should do the trick of achieving higher performance through the use of virtual DOM.
Uses Of React.js
- Creating Single-Page Applications (SPAs):
React is the most appropriate choice for building single-page applications since it can dynamically update the web page without fully reloading it. It improves load times and results in a fluid user experience. - Creating Complex User Interfaces:
React.js is so powerful when it comes to building complex user interfaces. The virtual DOM is an amazing feature for developing interactive, responsive, and dynamic user interfaces. Such UIs are highly responsive to user input and become updated in real time. React state management and other unique features result in an amazing user experience. - Cross-Platform Development:
With React Native, developers use the same codebase to create unique native mobile applications targeting Android and iOS. The apps have amazing user experience, and businesses can save on costs with less effort as they meet user needs. - Creating Reusable UI Components:
React has given developers the ability to build reusable user interface components. The framework is known to streamline the development process, enhancing performance and eliminating code duplication. Developers use the framework to quickly build complex web apps without compromising reliability or quality. - Server-Side Rendering (SSR):
We can utilize React.js for server-side rendering to enhance general performance and SEO optimization. SSR allows the generation of initial HTML on the server side, and then the whole web page is presented at once. Network latency is highly reduced, and faster page loading contributes to a great user experience.
Benchmark tests prove that SolidJS surpasses React regarding rendering speed and memory use. Solid’s reactivity model and the virtual DOM contribute to excellent performance. In most cases, you will realize that the SolidJS app performance is affected by such issues as the app’s state size, effectiveness of the reactivity system, and UI component complexity.
React also has robust performance against other frameworks but does not match SolidJS. The size and complexity of the UI components, the efficiency of the reconciliation algorithm, and state management tools can influence its performance.
Ease of Use
SolidJS is user-friendly, especially for those with modern JavaScript and reactive programming knowledge. There is extensive documentation and tooling. The code is also easy to maintain with no issues in clarity, making the learning curve smooth.
The learning curve for React is moderate, especially for those well-versed in JavaScript UI development. The presence of comprehensive documentation, the large community, and many tools make the learning amazing, allowing developers to pick and sustain projects meant for the long term.
Community Support
The SolidJS community is smaller compared to React’s but is still increasing. Many developers opt for SolidJS, a good way to trigger the development of third-party libraries, support resources, and plugins.
React has one of the most extensive and active communities within front-end frameworks. Such a huge network offers ample third-party resources, plugins, and support, making it easier for developers to resolve problems and stay up-to-date with the latest React developments.
When comparing SolidJS vs React, we note that both frameworks have a huge base of features, notable performance capabilities, and supportive communities. The decision to opt for either SolidJS or React will depend on several considerations, including:
- Developers’ experience and comfortability with the programming concepts. This is a great step since it makes it easy to adopt and contributes to development efficiency.
- The project’s specific performance requirements. You may realize that SolidJS has good benchmarks in terms of reactivity and performance.
- The scale and vibrancy of the community. React wins since it has a huge and well-established community, availing lots of resources, especially when extensive support is needed or in complex projects.
The decision to use SolidJS or React should depend upon unique preferences and requirements of the development team. Both frameworks are good and effective tools to build web applications, each with strengths and ideal use cases.
Any queries? Get in touch with our web development company — Aalpha information systems!
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Originally published at on January 23, 2024.