Migrating from Angular to React 2023 : Aalpha


Migrating from Angular to React

Observing businesses and developers switch from one framework to another is simpler because various JavaScript frameworks undergo regular updates. These changes derive from the said frameworks’ improved features. React, and Angular are the frameworks experiencing comparable changes, advancements, and migrations. We will thus examine the transition from Angular, a well-known JavaScript framework, to React, a framework with many features, in this article. But first, let’s explore the advantages of the Angular-React migration process before getting started.

Benefits of migrating from AngularJS to React

Developers take pleasure in expanding their knowledge and creating responses to issues. React continuously improves, so developers want to remain current and incorporate new capabilities into their apps. In addition, the community benefits from framework innovation that enhance the developer’s expertise and the long-term viability of this library.

Backward compatibility and the simplicity of upgrades between various React versions are key selling points, especially as there is no readily apparent upgrade route from AngularJS to Angular. As a result, the React development team must soak up a lot of effort immediately to guarantee that older library versions will continue to function no matter how the framework develops.

While React Native is a different framework made primarily for developing mobile applications, numerous of the expertise a developer learns while utilizing React can also be used in this context.

Many developers are familiar with React, and it is continuously developing. Acquiring fresh developers acquainted with React tends to be simpler for companies trying to scale up than finding developers skilled in a more dated framework like AngularJS.

Challenges of migrating from AngularJS to React

It may also be quite tiring to maintain technological advancements. Although React Hooks substantially widens the variety of tasks that could be done with React apps, it requires some getting used to. React Hooks may turn everybody’s comprehension of functional components and state management on its head.

The fact that AngularJS places all kinds of complex business logic right in the client constitutes among the most challenging aspects of this framework. Every person uses various web browsers, making it exceedingly difficult to reproduce and troubleshoot problems. Something to consider is the place to put that logic once extracted from the Angular app so that the React app can show it.

Considerations to make before switching from AngularJS to ReactJS

Instead of spending adequate time planning how an app will extend and evolve, development teams immediately go into a project’s coding component. Instead, make an architectural plan before you start coding the new app to determine how to build it for maximum flexibility, life span, or whatever is most important to the team. This includes deciding which parts of the app will be migrated first, whether business logic from the user interface needs to be rewritten in new microservices, and whether the new app will be accessible to all users right away or just a subset while kinks are worked out.

Ensure you have the resources, people, money, time, and purchase-in-to carry out this process. The migration may or may not be possible, depending on available resources.

It is essential to understand the urgency of the migration. It is also crucial to examine whether users are having a terrible experience with the application and whether the significant development is over.

Migrating from Angular to React — What to consider

JavaScript framework migration nearly usually involves more than just the developer team; product managers, designers, and higher management must all support the strategy. Make lists of the advantages and disadvantages, emphasizing how it will benefit the users, alleviate their concerns and demonstrate why it is a wise and vital action.

This may entail removing features not used in the current app and redesigning user interfaces in collaboration with designers to adhere to the best practices.

Draw a diagram of the new application to be developed to make sure everybody understands it, considering your web application’s architecture approach. Even if the architecture changes as the migration goes on, having a strategy for how this may work from the start can be beneficial.

There is no better way to demonstrate that something is possible than to create a tiny, functional prototype application. Create an incredibly simplified version of the application to achieve this. Make sure these functions if the POC needs to be able to route back to the first. If automated testing is an integral component of your team’s development cycle, create some tests using the new testing frameworks to demonstrate the more considerable migration. The development team and commercial partners should have more faith in this’s ability to succeed as a result of this.

There will undoubtedly be some pages, screens, and functionalities that are simpler to transfer to the new application than others unless the present app performs every detail on just one page. Consider sites with more static elements or those where the display relies on data from supporting services; such should be simpler to handle first. Business logic for the AngularJS app will have to be removed and rebuilt as a different microservice for the React app to consume and show. Later in the process, this will be one of the components that will move. As you decide how to proceed, talk to the product managers to consider the business requirements and the blueprint.

How an Angular component was created and how it will be recreated in React using JSX will likely be different. Therefore, working with the user experience designers must ensure that the new elements replicate the functionality while adhering to more comprehensive UX organization standards. When building the components for the new app, consider their present behavior and functionality. For customers to feel more at ease with the activities, it is usually advantageous to integrate similar processes throughout apps inside an organization.


Although rewriting an application in a new framework is difficult, it is frequently the only option available when a crucial business application cannot pass muster. For example, the app’s existing framework may not get long-term maintenance, it may become slower for users and more difficult for developers to maintain, or it may be technologically impossible to provide consumers with the features they want now. This is undoubtedly one of many strategies for handling such a move, but it gives you some things to consider.

To know in detail about Migrating your Angular application to React connect with our web development company Aalpha information systems.

Originally published at https://www.aalpha.net on May 8, 2023.



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