Difference Between jQuery and Ajax 2022 : Aalpha


Difference Between jQuery and Ajax

Ajax and jQuery are two online programming languages designed to provide an environment that is user-friendly, efficient, and visually appealing on websites. The primary distinction between Ajax and jQuery is that jQuery is more of a JavaScript-based framework, while Ajax is a methodology or method for connecting with the server without refreshing the web page. jQuery utilizes Ajax for the majority of its functionalities. Ajax and jQuery go hand in hand, and it is not easy to compare the two languages since they are often used together.

What is jQuery?

jQuery is a typical client-side scripting toolkit that offers helpful functionality. jQuery’s primary goal is to simplify the usage of JavaScript on websites. jQuery reduces a lengthy method’s javascript code to a single line of code. jQuery simplifies and reduces the complexity of Ajax and DOM calls.

A portion of jQuery’s functionality includes a high-level interface for performing AJAX queries. jQuery recognizes the user’s actions and appropriately modifies the web page’s components. jQuery conducts all work dynamically on the front end. Therefore, anytime an AJAX request is required, jQuery must be used.

Pros of JQuery

jQuery’s accessibility and utility are due to several crucial characteristics.

  • Approximately 19 kilobytes in size, jQuery is a small library (gzipped).
  • Compatible on several platforms: It operates on all common browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, MS Edge, Internet Explorer, Android, and iOS.
  • Thanks to the jQuery library, Ajax codes may connect with the server and immediately update content without needing to refresh the page.
  • Utilizing the open-source Selector, often known as Sizzle, jQuery makes browsing and modifying the content of DOM elements simple.
  • As with the code snippet for animation effects, it overlays the lines of code, and you need to add variables/content.
  • Outstanding assistance for HTML event methods: jQuery handles varied events without introducing Event Handlers into the HTML code.

Cons of JQuery

Despite all these benefits, there are a few downsides to consider, such as:

  • Slow down the client: The client must manage several jQuery-created functions. Excessive usage of jQuery may slow down clients, inferior ones. Consequently, developers must use an extra cache;
  • Some features may be absent: Depending on the needs of your website, JQuery has several features. However, many functions have not yet been implemented. Thus you may still need pure JS to provide the required functionality.

What exactly is AJAX?

AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and is a technique utilized by jQuery to perform XMLHttpRequests. It utilizes javascript to build an XMLHttpRequest using different ways on multiple browsers. AJAX is a method for exchanging data and information between a browser and a server without reloading the page. Each step of making an AJAX request must be coded when dealing with AJAX.

AJAX is a very effective technique. However, it cannot be used with standard HTML. To utilize AJAX, a scripting language is required.

Pros of Ajax

  • Increase the interactivity between the website and its visitors and create a more diversified online;
  • Utilize current technology such that they are simple to understand and employ;
  • Its popularity has led to moulds that assist programmers in avoiding pre-collapsed traces.
  • Supported by the most common browsers today.

Cons of Ajax

  • Since all processes occur in the background and are not visible in the URL, they should not be added to your browser’s bookmarks.
  • Due to security concerns, the JavaScript function will be disabled in specific browsers, rendering Ajax inoperable. Or some hosts may not accept extensive server setup, resulting in an “Access refused” message.

What is the difference between jQuery and Ajax?

Ajax and jQuery are distinct programming languages used to create online interfaces, with significant distinctions between the two.


  • jQuery is a lightweight language that focuses mainly on interacting with HTML components.
  • Ajax is a robust technology that cannot use HTML since HTML is a simplistic language.

Page Reload

  • Once the page is loaded, Ajax does not refresh it.
  • jQuery reloads the page once it has been loaded.


  • Combining jQuery with other technologies does not result in additional functionality.
  • Ajax is a mix of numerous different technologies, including CSS, JS, HTML, and DOM, which gives various additional capabilities.


  • jQuery is accessible via the front-end.
  • Ajax should be handled appropriately and procedurally to get data from the server.

Server Overloading

  • Working using jQuery eliminates the possibility of server overload.
  • Extensive use of Ajax often causes server overload owing to an increase in the number of concurrent connections when Ajax calls are made.

Wrapping Up

Although jQuery and Ajax both ease the browsing experience and are widely used today, their roles and operations are distinct.

While JQuery is a toolkit for enhancing client-side web page development, Ajax is a mechanism for delivering and receiving data from a web page through XMLHttpRequest to the server. Ajax may modify data without requiring a page refresh.

Finally, if you need more information about jQuery and Ajax, consider connecting with web development company!

Originally published at https://www.aalpha.net on June 29, 2022.



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