Choosing Between Outsourcing and Staff Augmentation


Outsourcing and Staff Augmentation

One of the most time-consuming activities in the IT field is hiring top developers. Many organizations often opt for outsourcing to reduce costs and find great talent from a pool of professionals. Outsourcing makes it easier for companies to concentrate on increasing their efficiency and focus on the business goal.

Experts project that by 2027 the global outsourcing market will grow to 406 billion dollars. A good example of countries that has extensive outsourcing is India. More importantly, most of the IT services in India come from Eastern and Central Europe. Outsourcing has several models that include dedicated teams, extended teams, project outsourcing and staff augmentation. All these models enable you to meet deadlines and get skilled developers to work on your projects. However, these models have differences that you should know. Let’s take a gander at the benefits and limitations of these models.

Staff augmentation

This model is perfect for a company that has their in-house development team. The model brings in additional experts with specific skills or adds more manpower to the development team. This model is time-bound, depending on the length and complexity of the project. Moreover, the additional expert’s objective is to ensure that the project is complete by ensuring they entirely handle their specialization area.

Note! The staff expansion model does not offer an undertaking administrator to deal with the development stream. You need a tech lead or a CTO with knowledgeable enough to take charge of the project on your side.

Advantages of Staff Augmentation

Cost decrease

By picking a staff expansion model, you can diminish costs contrasted with recruiting in-house designer s. Contingent upon the area, you can get lower hourly rates. Reports indicate that engineers in the USA get $8,700 every month. Programmers from Eastern Europe get $3,700 per month.

Smooth integration

Since you employ engineers with the necessary aptitudes and information, it is simpler to coordinate them into the organization’s work process.


It is anything but difficult to increase or reduce the team. You can recruit more experts to build up the undertaking quicker or decrease engineers’ number once you have less to do.

Full control

Since you oversee designers on your side, you have unlimited authority over the project cycle. Your tech lead can handle everything about the task. It is conceivable to pick the project management instrument to follow time. Subsequently, you do not have to stress over the safety of your project.

Check: outsourcing pricing models

Downsides of Staff Augmentation

The extra burden for C-level administration

The rationale is fundamental: the more staff is in the organization, the more duties the C-level administrators have. More importantly, they need to oversee more subject matter experts and give them an open workplace.


Notwithstanding the designers’ knowledge and experience, they should, in any case, invest some energy in discovering the organization’s work processes. The transformation period can change, contingent upon the work process’s multifaceted nature and onboarding measure.

Project outsourcing

Outsourcing refers to completely delegating the development project to IT organizations. Moreover, the outsourcing process involves cooperation with the needed experts, including project managers, developers, quality assurance engineers, and designers.

A standard project team will include the following:

Please note that the number of roles is not fixed. It depends on the size, requirements, and complexity of the project.

If you think of outsourcing, you need to analyze your project in detail and specify its requirements. This process is referred to as the discovery phase. The stages in this phase include the following:

Requirement gathering: The Business Analyst leads a few gatherings with customers to decide all venture subtleties. More importantly, they focus on application highlights, business objectives, target crowd, and adaptation techniques.

Specification: It is a definite report that comprises of highlight depictions, required advancements, and their conditions from one another.

Wireframes: They represent a schematic portrayal of a UI and a client stream. Moreover, creators schematically orchestrate components on each screen to later change them into the last UI.

Quality assurance: QA engineers need to give the go-ahead for the wireframes and specifications. Moreover, it takes into account maintaining a strategic distance from consistent mix-ups and rule infringement.

Detailed estimate: This report tells about the duration and cost of the project.

Advantages of Project Outsourcing

The location you choose to outsource your project to can influence the cost. Notably, organizations from North America have the most elevated rates. Asian programming organizations have the least rates. However, their client assistance is frequently sketchy.

Your seller is entirely answerable for dealing with the development team and guaranteeing that they will do the project on schedule. Moreover, the development team has a Project Manager who is accountable for dealing with the advancement cycle.

Outsourcing takes into account the simple scaling of the project team. Moreover, it means that you can grow your group on the off chance that you need to accelerate the cycle or abatement the number of trained professionals if there are no assignments for them to handle.

Since you do not handle the entire project development process, you will not need a development team to examine your organization’s internal cycles. They can begin to build up the task when they have your development specifications and prerequisites.

Disadvantages of Project Outsourcing

Communication issues and language barriers are some of the things that can stress you when it comes to outsourcing. Likewise, the delivery and availability will be affected if you are on different continents. Most often, you will have relatively distinct working hours due to the various time zones. To make correspondence agreeable and straightforward, you should plan gatherings. Notably, there are many cool specialized devices like Gmail, Slack, and Skype that will allow you to stay in contact with the group.

Rethinking ordinarily experiences an absence of vis-à-vis correspondence. Therefore, you cannot handle the entire improvement measure and may not feel all around secured. If you need to protect your product, you need to consent to an NDA arrangement with a merchant before discussing your project. The NDA understanding covers such improvement viewpoints as the methodology of information assortment, move, access, and that is just the beginning. Likewise, programming advancement organizations ought to adhere to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

You need to have a well thought out strategy if you will be going the outsourcing way. There are a few issues you may confront overseeing reevaluating programming advancement groups.

Check: offshore outsourcing India

Which model to choose Between Outsourcing and Staff Augmentation

Both outsourcing and staff augmentation have their benefits and drawbacks. Moreover, each of these models is good, depending on a few factors within a vendor’s environment.

Staff augmentation is the best option if:

  • You wish to be in contact with your development team constantly
  • You do not have enough time for recruiting and training other people
  • Capable of doing the project yourself
  • You have a project manager or a CTO
  • You have a full experience team within your organization

Outsourcing will work best for you if:

  • You lack proficiency in a particular area, and you need help
  • Want a professionally developed product at a low price
  • You do not have the manpower and the skill to complete the project
  • You want to develop the product from A-Z


To conclude, the outsourcing and staff augmentation picking the correct innovation staffing accomplice can be an intricate cycle. For example, there are factors, such as an association’s IT and workforce, the staff’s specialized skill set, project security, and venture cutoff times, all of which add to this multifaceted nature.

Suppose you need a flexible staffing arrangement that allows you to acquire outside specialized ability when required, with expanded staff ready to rapidly coordinate with your current group. In that case, staff augmentation may be the ideal alternative for you.

If you would not fret surrendering direct authority over an undertaking, or you do not have the administrative assets to manage expanded staff, project outsourcing could be the commitment model for your organization.

Contingent upon your product improvement needs, you may wind up choosing staff expansion, project re-appropriating. As your organization keeps on developing, you can generally adjust these commitment models varying. The best game-plan is to pick an accomplished seller that can help you address your present staffing difficulties while continually talking with you so you can execute another reevaluating model if and when required or change your current staffing model to make your organization run as proficiently as could reasonably be expected, making it more serious in public and global business sectors

Hope you’ve got the information about outsourcing and staff augmentation, if you are looking for developers then feel free to contact us. Also check: benefits of outsourcing to India

Originally published at on January 20, 2021.



Aalpha Information Systems India Pvt. Ltd.

Aalpha is specialist India based Software Solutions company providing solutions for Web and Mobile development,