Angular Development Best Practices to follow in 2021
Angular is a JavaScript framework extensively used to effectively develop online applications, fully native applications, and particularly SPAs. Angular was built to overcome the constraints of previous frameworks. With its dynamic features, you can build the most exemplary web applications with the highest performance and speed.
The Angular framework’s interactive tools outperform those of other frameworks. Once your project is developed with Angular, you no longer need to depend on other third-party libraries. Despite all of Agular’s appealing capabilities, if you neglect your Angular code’s development standards, performance problems are possible.
Best Practices for Angular Design in 2021
‘ngFor’ is an Angular-built-in template directive. Instead of displaying the whole DOM tree, you may use ‘trackBy’ instead of ‘ngFor,’ which assists you by providing a unique and personalized identifier to each item.
When using ‘ngFor,’ you must re-render the whole DOM tree after each change in the array, while when using ‘trackBy,’ you may specify individual modifications, and Angular will assist you in making DOM changes for the specified array.
By enabling the slow loading of modules, you may increase your productivity. Lazy Load is an Angular feature that assists developers in loading just what is needed. For instance, when you utilize the feature, it loads the components and other files you need and prevents the loading of other, superfluous items.
CDK Virtual Scroll is a critical tool that you may use to improve the speed of your development. For instance, if you have more than a thousand files to show concurrently, the program becomes susceptible and is likely to slow down. CDK Virtual Scroll is included in the Angular Material Package, enabling developers to optimize their applications’ speed and view bigger files in the browser.
People seldom praise the conventional coding style, but you will be complemented by your fellow developers who utilize your code in the future if you adhere to it. Additionally, this should be true for any programming language you use. When developing an Angular web application, you must adhere to a standard code format. Moreover, your project must have a clean coding style that is clear, comprehensible, and extensible by future programmers.
Creating a folder structure is a critical step that you should do before beginning your project. If you have not correctly organized the folder, you have invited many issues that will plague you throughout the development process. Whether it is a medium- or large-sized project, you will encounter many changes throughout development, and your project should readily adjust to these changes. That is feasible if you have established a correct folder structure.
Memory leaks visible to the user are persistent and may be discovered in any programming language, library, or framework. Angular is not an exception. While observables in Angular are very helpful for streamlining your data, memory leaks are a significant problem that may arise if you are not attentive. It has the potential to produce the worst scenario during growth. Here are some strategies for avoiding leaks.
Each version of Angular has several significant enhancements. ECMAScript is a JavaScript version that is continuously updated to provide new features and functionality. You now have ES6, which has a slew of new capabilities and functions that you may use in Angular.
Angular’s state management facilitates state transitions by storing the status of any data. Many state management libraries are available, including NGRX, NGXS, and Akita, each having its own set of usages, states, and objectives. All of them are suitable for usage, but NGXS may be chosen since most developers have referred to it as the most valuable and straightforward to learn tool.
When developing an Angular application, developers often find up using ‘any’ to create variables. If no variables or constants are specified, they will be assumed by the value and allocated to it. If this occurs, you are now in danger since it will result in some unexpected consequences at any moment.
Caching API calls are considered one of the finest angular methods in 2021 when it comes to increasing the performance of an application. Caching API calls to websites for eCommerce lowers server information requests, saves time, and decreases server load.
To use Caching, one must initiate an HTTP request and then store the response in files such as JSON, which may be served again without contacting the server. This enables the user to send fewer HTTP requests to the server, requiring the user to wait less time for a response each time.
Final Remarks
Developing an application takes some care if you want it to be popular and attractive. It’s a never-ending adventure in which you are the student and discover something new every day. Using these principles, you may ensure a smooth development process and create an exciting application.
Originally published at on July 31, 2021.