AI in Education : Benefits and Applications 2024 : Aalpha
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a core innovation and is here to stay and is revolutionizing how things are done across all industries, including education. AI is all over us, and we have been implementing it for a long time. We are always interacting with AI in our normal lives. It could be performing a Google search, email reading, requesting directions, music/video recommendations, or scheduling an appointment with the doctor. The dependence on AI systems became more prevalent at the onset of COVID-19. The dominance of such applications can be seen in sectors like transportation, healthcare, science, communications, agriculture, engineering, manufacturing, education, and others. That means that you must have met or used AI-powered applications when living in modern society.
AI has an impact on the education sector. It has come up with master plans for handling the modern education challenges. There is the bridging of the tech gap that has always existed between teachers and students, promoting remote and online learning, coming up with well-structured data and information solutions to be implemented in modern curricula, and more others. It has changed how students learn, engage with the different teaching modes, and understand course materials. This article gives you the best overview of AI in education.
What is AI?
We define artificial intelligence as a branch of computer science dealing with simulated human intelligence. It is a discipline where computers simulate intelligent behavior, mimic, and learn the art of improving human behavior.
It has come to dominate the education sector since we already have machine-learning systems and the production of algorithms. You get personalized learning systems that promote the learning process among students, and teachers use automated assessment systems to evaluate students’ capabilities.
The benefits and applications of AI in Education
AI has come as a revolution in education. Many institutions are embracing the fact that they can’t assume its contribution. Technology plays a big role in transforming our education and the learning processes. The following are some of the benefits brought about by AI.
We all know that each student possesses their own uniqueness. Some are fast learners, slow learners, multitalented, good in sports, or average learners in everything. The conventional way of learning didn’t have much customization to cater to the uniqueness of each student. Students grasp knowledge in different ways. Some quickly grasp the content, while others take a little longer. AI-powered tools can note this. Such tools have rescued the education sector by adapting to the pace of individual students, preferences, and styles of learning. They then tailor the content to each individual, ranging from quizzes and reading/revision material to tutorials.
Machine learning acts as a supporting technology to ensure there is active backing up of the way students perceive particular lessons, learn from the process, and adapt to reduce the burden. Customized programs, AI-embedded games, and related properties that improve effective learning are used to achieve the best results.
AI is a key player in most school education processes and virtual classrooms. It has enhanced several of the value-added tasks.
- AI has been part of the process of creating tailored teaching
- It checks the students’ homework
- It awards grades to tests done
- Preparation of notes and making wonderful presentations
- Organizing research papers
- Maintenance of reports
- Carries out the management of several administrative duties
AI technology ensures that most businesses and institutions rely on it to implement and achieve their day-to-day objectives. Through the automation of tasks, AI ensures there is a productive and knowledgeable learning environment.
Research experts and teachers are using AI to their advantage. They tweak their unique research to AI tools and develop innovative content to help in the teaching and learning process. Some of the examples where AI is involved in the creation of smart content include:
- Generating digital lessons — AI is instrumental in developing bit-size learning, ensuring everything is in digital format, including low-storage lessons and study materials. Experts and students can use the complete study material with little storage space on the main system. They can access the materials anywhere using any device, which is also a good way to promote remote learning.
- Visualizing information — AI outperforms the traditional ways of teaching by offering real-life experience to visual elements. Most elements have been virtualized, leading to web-based study environments. There is the implementation of 2D and 3D visualization, which helps students view the information in a unique way and take less time to understand the concepts.
- Content is updated frequently — AI has given users much authority, allowing them to develop information and ensure frequent updates to avoid outdated lessons. The tools also notify experts of new information, helping prepare for upcoming activities.
- AI can identify classroom vulnerabilities
AI technology helps to maintain a positive impact on the environment through the support for remote learning. Many experts have assumed that AI will eliminate the human touch in education. We can’t deny that AI plays a big role in most industries, but it won’t replace humans in education. AI comes in a way that complements manual and virtual teaching techniques. Experts get assistance from AI to improvise their teaching-learning processes for different persons.
With the help of AI, there has been rapid development of innovations. The elements that challenge such innovations include adjustable data accessibility, data protection measures, outdated certification processes, etc. There are challenges, but AI-based decentralized systems are bringing a positive technical revolution, and the education sector is embracing the changes. You will get an AI-powered LMS with nice structures to help students and teachers with data, information, and privacy protection.
Users can easily access information and are making sure they reap the benefits of implementing AI in education. Most institutions have adopted AI/ML-based application development in education using modern features and tools. The presence of multilingual support features is a key addition assisting in translating information into different languages, ensuring every native enjoys the convenience of learning and teaching. AI mechanisms also ensure those who are visually or hearing-impaired get a way to be taught. Presentation Translator is an example of an AI-powered converter providing real-time subtitles to virtual lectures.
Whenever experts want to design learning experiences, they depend more on the feedback they receive. The core element of effective teaching relies on giving continuous feedback. Such feedback should be presented from trusted sources. AI has the task of carrying out analysis and determining work reports based on the data presented on a daily basis.
Implementing a feedback system based on data plays a key role in student satisfaction, avoids any bias factor within the learning environment, and can identify areas where more skills are needed. The feedback is centered on each student as recorded within the central system.
AI-powered application and software development solutions ensure students get amazing and affordable upskill opportunities. Several firms face challenges with technology gaps, which has become necessary to upskill students. It is a good way to foster improvement and innovation.
AI in education has contributed to the L&D (Learning and Development) field by thoroughly analyzing how people adapt to skill acquisition. Once the system understands and adapts to human ways during learning and studying, most of the processes become automated.
With AI, chatbots have been developed to get data that helps inform and provide support where necessary. Teachers and professionals benefit from such arrangements, ensuring there is always user engagement within the customized learning environment.
Conversational AI observes the pattern of content consumption to ensure intelligent tutoring is formulated and cater to student needs. The modern world has seen a rise in the number of people who prefer distance learning without the inconveniences of having to take a break from family or job. AI chatbots have been implemented to answer enrollment questions, ensure 24/7 support, make the appropriate study materials available, and deliver instant solutions.
It is possible to use AI systems within interviews and examinations to detect any doubtful behavior and notify the supervisor. The systems monitor individuals within the exam setup through webcams, web browsers, and microphones and can also monitor keystroke movement to raise an alarm.
From the above benefits, you are bound to embrace AI if you are in the education sector. You need to integrate AI technology and tailor them to suit your needs.
Step-by-Step to Implementing AI
Once you settle on adopting AI to enhance the learning experience, there are key steps you need to follow. They include:
To implement any technology, you must identify your needs or the pain points such technology will be addressing and resolving. Survey your current infrastructure and see the feasibility of implementing AI technology. Identify the system bottlenecks and study the unique ways in which AI helps in the optimization of such processes.
You need to come up with a structured analysis determining your appetite for the adoption of the technologies. Should you be an early adopter or a mere follower? What technologies are best suited for your institution? Do you understand the AI shortcomings and have ways of addressing them? What objectives do you want to achieve with AI?
Once you get the feedback and develop a blueprint, you develop a cost-benefit analysis of AI augmentation and automation.
For AI tool success, ensure you get the appropriate team. Also, consider having the right culture or environment that will promote analytical insights and ensure actionable decisions are taken for the success of the tools.
You must study the best metrics and elements to consider when adopting AI. The processes should be transparent and enable AI and human beings to work together. Some of the considerations to make include:
- What are the key performance indicators you want to track?
- Are there any security concerns?
- What technical ecosystems are you supporting?
The Challenges and Risks to Navigate
We have seen several benefits of adopting AI in education. There never lacks difficulties or risks in such innovations. Let us explore some of them:
We all understand that AI learns from the data we train it on. If you feed it with data containing biases, the AI system learns from the biases and perpetuates them. For instance, if you feed in student-performance data containing a bias on one ethnicity, state, political ideologies, socioeconomic segment, or gender, the AI learns to give special preference to the given group.
Students can use AI to do their homework assignments or answer questions. Using AI to generate responses to essays undermines the learning process, and students will lack the requisite skills. Cheating is an ethical issue, and students taking this route may not get the content and necessary skills.
During interaction with generative AI systems, the conversation of educators or students, alongside their personal information, could be stored and used for analysis. This brings up a privacy concern. In such cases, when using public AI tools, avoid sharing sensitive information like PINs, health records, private conversations, academic performance, financial information, and emotional states.
When more time is spent on using AI tools, students’ social interaction with classmates and educators becomes less. If there is more reliance on conversational AI tools replacing friends, it can result in health issues like isolation, loneliness, and not having a one-to-one connection with people.
All students are not equal. Some may lack access to modern devices and internet connectivity. The imbalance can come at the cost of widening the gap in performance or achievement for the students depending on their socioeconomic background.
Students and teachers can end up relying too much on AI technology. Critical thinking will be reduced. Teachers end up not setting time to do quality checks and refining AI-generated content. They get the temptation of accepting the content as generated.
AI is growing at a fast pace. It has disrupted the education sector, and the impacts are visible. In this new era of learning, we have no option but to embrace AI, but we need to deploy AI in education in a way that focuses more on real human prosperity. The future of learning is being transformed. AI technology has its challenges and biases, and educators need to be trained on the appropriate ways of using and incorporating AI in the curriculum. Technology is changing on a daily basis, and we need to keep learning to harness the positive benefits.
Want to implement AI in education sector? Consider to connect with our AI development company — Aalpha information systems!
Originally published at on January 5, 2024.