4 Values and 12 Principles of the Agile Manifesto 2023 : Aalpha


4 Values and 12 Principles of the Agile Manifesto

In the field of software development, modern project management methods are crucial in ensuring the delivery of incredible products with high quality and of great value. The agile manifesto, therefore, is the core base of such technologies used by project managers to bring the project to life despite the project’s constraints. The agile manifesto has 12 principles and four key values that enhance modern technologies, as described in this guide.

Developed by a group of seventeen software engineers in 2001, the agile manifesto document was meant mainly to challenge issues revolving around project management by using modern technologies to find practical solutions.

Ideally, the guide that was meant for software development processes is now being used globally with other businesses apart from software development to manage projects effectively.

Compared with other technologies used in project management, the agile approaches are quite flexible, giving the team members handling the project all the freedom to adjust where necessary. You won’t need to follow a set hierarchy, and neither do you need to follow specific rules while managing a project. You only need to stick to agile principles.

What is the purpose of the Agile Manifesto?

The main idea behind the agile manifesto is to enhance the process of software development processes by focusing on the quality of the product that will meet what the users need and expect. This is supported by the four values of the agile manifesto.

On the other hand, the main purpose of the 12 agile manifesto principles is to create a supportive working environment that will enhance customer satisfaction, respond to user requirements & market adjustments, and meet the business objectives.

What are the core values of the agile manifesto?

In the Agile manifesto document, the following are the key core values that guide the project management team:

  • Individuals & Interactions instead of processes & tools
  • Working Software instead of detailed documentation
  • Customer involvement instead of contract negotiation
  • Responding to change instead of following a set plan
  • Individuals & Interactions instead of processes & tools

The key aspect of this value is communication to enhance interactions among the project management team instead of relying on processes and tools.

When the team can collaborate effectively, it simplifies the whole process, making the project’s objectives achievable with ease. On the other hand, focusing on techniques and tools can make the team fail to meet the client’s project requirements, and this will move to users, and this can make the final product have a negative reception in the market.

With this value, the agile manifesto focuses on the time matter instead of documentation processes. This enables the project management team to plan and work on the project effectively by providing software to get them started. This ensures the timely delivery of a high-quality product.

In the agile manifesto, customers are encouraged to participate in the project development processes to ensure the final product meets the user’s needs. This is contrary to contract negotiations where the project manager and the customer only discuss the scope of the project when starting, thus ruling out the idea of customer collaboration during the different phases of product management.

Ideally, the basic software development process life cycle suggests following a specified plan instead of working on the required changes to minimize costs. In the agile manifesto, however, the life cycle of the product development process keeps changing based on a number of elements, especially the customer’s views. This value ensures the final product meets all the needs of end users, ensuring it meets the business objectives.

What are the principles of the agile manifesto?

The agile manifesto doesn’t give guides or rather rules to follow during the software development project by following the values described above the principles described below:

Through continuous delivery, agile encourages customer collaboration in each phase to ensure the final product satisfies the customer’s requirements.

The aim of adjusting to changes is to ensure the final product aligns with what the customers need.

In the agile manifesto, time is of great essence. It is better to deliver working software in a shorter time frame to beat the market demands and changes.

All the parties involved must collaborate to enhance the success of the project.

Motivating the team to work effectively and encouraging trust and honesty among the team members.

Constant communication is crucial when working with a team to ensure all the team members walk in the same line.

A working software helps determine the progress of the project.

This principle encourages all the team members to work at a set pace for a timely delivery of the product.

Taking note of tech requirements enhances the product’s agility.

It is crucial to focus on the work not yet done.

When the teams are organized, they will produce high-quality designs and use the best technologies and architectures to bring out a desirable product.

Occasionally, the team must look back at what they have done and achieved, then work on changes where necessary.

Agile Manifesto FAQs

Some of the agile manifesto questions with answers include the following:

1. What does not match the Agile Manifesto?

From what we’ve described in this guide, ignoring teams doesn’t match what the agile manifesto advocates for. Instead, it is all about individuals over processes instead of processes & tools over teams and interactions. The key element of the Agile manifesto is striking a balance between human approaches and working software.

2. How to incorporate agile manifesto in your establishment

Once you make up your mind to use an Agile manifesto in your establishment, start by doing the following:

  • Learn and understand agile values and principles
  • Know what your business ecosystem is
  • Take your time to decide what works perfectly
  • Allow adjustments among the team members
  • Allow flexibility for different software development requirements
  • Train your team to understand the whole Agile manifesto for projects

3. What is the effectiveness of the agile manifesto?

With an agile manifesto, an organization will achieve a smooth working environment, a collaborative and supportive team, and a practical project management plan to enhance the success of the final product.

4. Is there a difference between agile manifesto and design thinking?

Yes. While they both have frameworks and principles, agile focuses on the how question, while design thinking focuses on the why question.

5. What can make the agile manifesto fail?

Some of the key elements that will make the agile manifesto fail include the following:

  • Lack of support from the management
  • Poor cultural transition
  • Poor communication strategies
  • Lack of experience with agile approaches
  • External pressure to follow traditional methods


Software development is much easier today, thanks to the agile approaches. The support, great communications, and allowing changes, among many other principles of the agile manifesto, simplify the project phases, making them achievable within a reasonable time frame. This whole idea makes agile approaches relevant in all aspects.

Get in touch with our software development company if you want to know more about the 4 values and 12 principles of the agile manifesto.

Originally published at https://www.aalpha.net on July 31, 2023.



Aalpha Information Systems India Pvt. Ltd.
Aalpha Information Systems India Pvt. Ltd.

Written by Aalpha Information Systems India Pvt. Ltd.

Aalpha is specialist India based Software Solutions company providing solutions for Web and Mobile development, https://www.aalpha.net

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